Photos taken in Norway in 1982 and 1983 during the making of two films featuring the willow grouse: a privately-commissioned film for a landowner with grouse-shooting interests (The Sletthalen Project) and a nature documentary later shown on BBC television (The Remarkable Willow Grouse).
Birchwoods, Hemsedal, March, showing willow grouse footprints round half-buried trees; mountains at Hemsedal, March; snow hole (dokk) made by grouse, showing wingtip marks made on exit; willow grouse tracks around birch saplings after morning feed; female grouse feeding near hideHide in snow, location unknown; male grouse on road, threat display at camera, near Tromso airport; hide in snow at Tromso airportCamera set up in car near Tromso airport; male willow grouse feeding in birch trees, Tromso; evening light on church, Karlsoy, early May; willow grouse in flight (May) over marsh near north shore, Karlsoy; willow grouse in spring plumageGeir Gabrielson and male grouse at Arctic Biology Department, Tromso UniversityGrouse chick in the hand; edge of birchwood by marsh at north shore, Karlsoy, late June; male willow grouse in territory, Karlsoy, July; birch colours, early July, KarlsoyNorth shore of Karlsoy looking over birch woods towards Vannoy (willow grouse breeding area); KarlsoyWillow grouse female in birch wood; female on nest; nest with 11 eggs; two female grouse on one nest; 22 eggs hatching in double nest; view over Sletthallen, autumn colours at 1,000m, central Norway.