The photographs accessible from this page are a small selection of the many thousands of still photographs Chris took over the course of his career. They include some of his best pictures of birds, and other wildlife subjects, together with landscapes and natural patterns. Also included are a selection of pictures of island life, particularly on Foula.
Most images on this site were digitally scanned from the original 35mm slides (transparencies), most of which were taken on Olympus cameras (OM-1, OM-2, OM-10), using Olympus or Kilfitt lenses. The square images were scanned from medium format (120 film) transparencies, taken on a Pentacon Six camera.
All images may be reproduced without prior permission, so long as they are credited (“Photograph by Christopher K Mylne FRPS” – or, in the case of an image of Chris: “Image reproduced from the website chrismylne.com”). Where images are re-published, please send a message using the Contact form to say so.