Other films

Vikings of Shetland, 1968 – a short film about the Up Helly Aa festival in Lerwick, a clip of which is available to view from the National Library of Scotland website: https://movingimage.nls.uk/film/3931

Isle of Rhum, 1970 (29’31”) – a film about Rhum, showing its wildlife and heritage, including Kinloch Castle and the work of the Nature Conservancy Council. [Note: This film can be purchased on DVD, along with films about Iona, Skye and Harris, from Panamint Cinema.]

Scotland: A Heritage, 1979 (39’31”) – a film made for the National Trust for Scotland, and narrated by Iain Cuthbertson, it features St Kilda, Falkland Palace, Brodick Castle, Bannockburn, Culross, Fair Isle, Castle Fraser, Culzean Castle, Gladstone’s Land, Glen Coe and Culloden.

Fair Isle: the Happy Island, 1979 (28’07”) – a film about the people and wildlife of Fair Isle in Shetland. Features Bonxies (Great Skuas), Puffins, Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers. Also shows Fair Isle knitting, crofting and community activities.

A Caring Society, 1987 (33’17”) – a film about the work of the Scottish SPCA