Pictures taken during Chris’s time on Foula in 1954-55 and on his return visit in 1993.
Mansie Isbister, Eric Isbister and Jimmie Henry at Quinister, winter 1954Maggie Ratter and Jeannie Isbister at Punds, winter 1954-55Dykes – James Andrew Gray, Louis Gray, Edith Gray (with Mr Thomson, Eric Isbister)Bobby IsbisterA meeting of the Women’s Guild at the Manse, winter 1954The Gear family at home in the Schoolhouse, 1954Mima Gear carrying hay to the byreThe Gear family in the schoolyardJohn Henry’s family at GroupsJohn and Vida Henry and family at Groups, 1959Peter and Muriel Gray in the garden at BurnsHarry Gear at the Post OfficeAndy Gear, home from university, hands out cake at the annual school picnicJames Andrew Gray of Dykes with his sheep-dog BobRobbie Isbister of Brackens, living in the last “black house” in ShetlandKen Gear, summer 1954Edith Gray of Dykes, aged 76 in 1993